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Download Spawned Concurrent Program

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by kneelesulhog1977 2020. 3. 2. 14:38


Concurrentlymaster branch statusRun multiple commands concurrently.Like npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less but better.Table of contents.WhyI likebut the usual way to run multiple commands concurrently isnpm run watch-js & npm run watch-css. That's fine but it's hard to keepon track of different outputs. Also if one process fails, others still keep runningand you won't even notice the difference.Another option would be to just run all commands in separate terminals. I gottired of opening terminals and made concurrently.Features:. Cross platform (including Windows).

  1. Concurrent Program Executable Query
  2. Spawned Object In Oracle Apps

Concurrent Program Executable Query

Download Spawned Concurrent Program

Output is easy to follow with prefixes. With -kill-others switch, all commands are killed if one dies. Spawns commands withInstallThe tool is written in Node.js, but you can use it to run any commands. Then ( success, failure ); FAQ.Process exited with code null?From, exit event:This event is emitted after the child process ends. If the processterminated normally, code is the final exit code of the process,otherwise null. If the process terminated due to receipt of a signal,signal is the string name of the signal, otherwise null.So null means the process didn't terminate normally. This will make concurrentto return non-zero exit code too.Does this work with the npm-replacement?Yes!

In all examples above, you may replace ' npm' with ' yarn'.

Hello,Like in adadmin we have various options like generate applications files menu,maintain applications files menu.etc internally we have various options,every option internally calls someother script or sql or executable or binary.how to find out that?Kindly tell me.Thanks,928714. Like in adadmin we have various options like generate applications files menu,maintain applications files menu.etc internally we have various options,every option internally calls someother script or sql or executable or binary.how to find out that?Kindly tell me.Why do you need to get the details of scripts or sql statements that are used by adadmin? Hi allwhen i run a concurrent program an output file is created at some location in server, it is in the form of orequestid.outthere are certain characters in the.out file which needs to be deleted can anyone tell me what i need to do to achieve this functionality.the modified file should be moved to different directory in the serverthanks for the responseregardsjdev. Suggestion in summary:1. Create unix host file type conc program2. Submit the request using CONCSUB inside the host file, get the request id3. You should be able get the output in $APPLCSF/out with the format requestid.out4.

Download Spawned Concurrent Program

Copy it to the directory you want and do whatever changes you need to do on the text file inside the host file. Can you tell me how to write a Unix program, I have no idea how to write it.Do you have any sample code, if so can you please give me.Thx a lot for your reply.RegardsJDev. The following links should be helpful:Note: 156636.1 - How to Register a Host Concurrent Program in Applications266268.1 - How To Create a Custom Concurrent program with Host Method and Pass Parameters to the shell script412392.1 - How Do You Run A Unix Host Script From Concurrent Managers On MS Windows Platform?https://metalink.oracle.com/metalink/plsql/ml2documents.showDocument?pdatabaseid=NOT&pid=412392.1. Hi,I would like to run one cmd or batch file, usually it is looking exe file only.How do we register the cmd or bat files?We encountered lot of problems to call the exe files, now we want to know to use the cmd file or batch or prog file (abc.cmd or abc.bat or abc.prog)Application: R12.0.4OS: Windows 2003Awaiting for your sincere response,Thanks,M.K.Thamaraiselvan Hi,How do we register the cmd or bat files?

Spawned Object In Oracle Apps

Please see if these documents help.Note: 170878.1 - How to Register a Host Concurrent Program for NTNote: 412392.1 - How Do You Run A Unix Host Script From Concurrent Managers On MS Windows Platform?We encountered lot of problems to call the exe files, now we want to know to use the cmd file or batch or prog file (abc.cmd or abc.bat or abc.prog) What kinds of problems?Regards,Hussein Hi Hussien,Please help me that1. Create a file under the%FNDTOP%bin directory called testhost.cmdIn the file put the following two lines:ls testhost.txtexit2. From the%FNDTOP%bin directory, do the following:copy fndcpesr.exe testhost.exeI understood the above 2 steps, the below one, is making confusion. Can you explain that what application i have to choose. Register testhost (use 'testhost' for the Execution File Name) as a concurrent executable in Oracle Applications.4. Register a testhost host program as a concurrent program in Oracle Applications.5. Add the program to your report group.Awaiting for your explanation clearly to go ahead.Please explain me that which application i can choose while define the executable and program.awaiting.ThanksM.K.Thamaraiselvan Hi,Please explain me that which application i can choose while define the executable and programIt is under the application where you want to run this concurrent program (for example, custom application).Note: please edit your previous reply as posting the contents of MOS documents violates Oracle support agreement policy.Regards,Hussein.

HiI am using oracle apps r12.1.2.Here i have a requirement to customize a report Ie (i need to take a copy of a report and after that i need to add two parameter to that report).I have Copied the report and i have added two parameter to that report. Now this program is registered as java concurrent program.

When i ran the program i didnt get any output. The concurrent finished with normal.Can any one pls tell me the steps to customize or where i need to change the things in java concurrent program to get the output.I have used the same executable 'XDODTEXE' but with different shortname so in some where i need to change.Can any one pls guide me the steps to do.Thanks & RegardsSrikkanth Please see these docs.How To Create a Java Concurrent Program? ID 827563.1How to register and execute Java Concurrent Program?in Oracle Applications R11i? Hi,There is a requirement to create the Java Concurrent Program in Oracle eBusiness. I am able to create the Java Concurrent Program file. But unable to do the following things:1.Since it is custom file, which location I will deploy the file?2. How to compile the file?3.

In the execution file path and executable file name what should I specify for JCP?Please guide me.Thanks Please see (How to register and execute Java Concurrent Program?in Oracle Applications R11i? ID 186301.1) for the complete steps (i.e.